Would You Like Some Penis Jokes With Your Pizza

1390843210-boners_and_4-skinsWhen a restaurant introduces a new special, they want the name to be memorable. Brothers Pizza in Cleveland and Akron, Ohio have done a masterful job with one coupon that they call their “oddest and most popular offer.” That’s the “12 boners and 4-skins” deal, where customers get a dozen chicken wings and four potato skins for $10.99. What did you think it was referring to?

Lest you think that this is some kind of mockup, it is not. They offered the same deal back in November, and put the coupon on Facebook.


What do you get with your wings? Toppings include the pizzeria’s very own “Raging Boner sauce, which is a culmination of our Bromade hot as [Hades] hot sauce mixed with our house hot sauce.” Sounds hot.

“Boners & 4-skins:” The Pizza Shop’s Penis Pun Coupon [Cleveland Scene] (Thanks, David!)


by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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