The Android handset sports top-shelf specs like a 5" Full HD display, Snapdragon 800 processor and a 13 MP rear camera. The kicker is that Fujitsu claims it will last you three days on a charge, while the thin device only sports a 2600 mAh battery. We dont know whether the claim is due to an eventual frugal IGZO display panel, or power draw optimizations that Fujitsu calls "human-centric engine", but the company also says that the juicer can be topped up for a full day of use in just 10 minutes.
Wed assume this is done via a high-power AC adapter, and indeed Fujitsu lists "dedicated" power brick and dock that come with the handset, just like Sonys claims for half an hour phone charging are only valid with a special adapter. Still, being able to plug the phone, drink your coffee and walk away with a whole day worth of charge, is a noble idea worth exploring by other phone makers, too.
The list doesnt stop here, though, as the camera sports optical image stabilization and the back of the phone houses a fingerprint sensor, just like with the HTC One Max phablet, though the one here oddly reminds us of the round Touch ID scanner of Apple in the new iPhone 5s. Sounds like a pretty complete package, too bad its unlikely to see the light of day outside of Japan.(PhoneArena)
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